EU podrska projekti

ProjectFor preserved Gorica
Project Starts08.07.2022
Projects Ends08.02.2023
Subgrant Budget12935.00
organization_nameThe Parks Dinarides Network

The project "For Preserved Gorica" ​​consists of two major components - a campaign on the importance of protecting this important site, as well as strengthening the capacity of the park management. The general goal is to preserve the forest Gorica through awareness-raising and increased civic oversight and participation, as this natural monument represents an authentic biodiversity treasury with 1000 different species, the city's lungs, and the most important green area for recreation of the Capital's residents.


The project “Resource Center for Civil Society Organizations – Phase II in Montenegro” is financed by the European Union through the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro and implemented by the Center for the Development of Non-Governmental Organizations. 

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