EU podrska projekti

ProjectImproving cultural content through folklore activities
Project Starts27.07.2022
Projects Ends27.03.2023
Subgrant Budget9279.12
organization_nameORO Ensemble

The key activities that the Oro ensemble will carry out are better presentation of the activities of this cultural society in the local community; procurement of missing equipment and organization of training for folklore instructors. The finale of the project will be marked by performances, followed by educational workshops for children and youth. The idea is to further motivate children to engage in this demanding activity and thus maintain health and strengthen team spirit. Also, through folk games, customs, and music, the interaction of different communities and social cohesion will be strengthened.


The project “Resource Center for Civil Society Organizations – Phase II in Montenegro” is financed by the European Union through the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro and implemented by the Center for the Development of Non-Governmental Organizations. 

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