EU podrska projekti

ProjectEducate yourself, get a job!
Financed byRegional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOaD)
organization_nameSocial Justice

Twenty unemployed young people in Pluzine and Niksic, will have the opportunity to acquire skills that are in demand on the labor market, start their own business, or find adequate employment through intensive four-month training. The general goal is to increase adaptability to the labor market of young people, especially people with disabilities. The project addresses the issue of imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market, so the beneficiaries of the project are not only participants but also the Employment Service, local employers, and the wider community.

statusIn Progress

The project “Resource Center for Civil Society Organizations – Phase II in Montenegro” is financed by the European Union through the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro and implemented by the Center for the Development of Non-Governmental Organizations. 

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