EU podrska projekti

ProjectLet's Protect the Lungs of the city - Brezovačko Brdo Forest Park (ZaParK)
Financed byFund for Active Citizenship - fAKT Action Small Grants
Project Starts20.06.2023
Projects Ends20.09.2023
organization_nameNGO Youth Civic Initiative

An initiative to improve environmental protection, civic participation, and strengthen local communities and CSOs through the preservation and valorization of the Brezovačko Brdo Forest Park. The project is a responce to the devastation of Forest Park through creation of local action groups, training for two communities, mapping and clearing of wild landfills, planting seedlings, arrangement of a children's park, green campaign, and citizen's initiative toward authorities to prepare a Protection Study and declare the site a Natural Monument.


The project “Resource Center for Civil Society Organizations – Phase II in Montenegro” is financed by the European Union through the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro and implemented by the Center for the Development of Non-Governmental Organizations. 

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