EU podrska projekti

ProjectThe RE Community Cooks with the Sun
Financed byFund for Active Citizenship - fAKT Action Small Grants
Project Starts20.06.2023
Projects Ends20.09.2023
organization_nameNGO Cooking with the Sun

Introduction of the solar cooking which utilizes clean and free solar energy to the RE population in Podgorica, helping them to prepare food more easily and cost-efficiently through savings in electricity bills. The project team will teach them how to make solar ovens using everyday discarded materials, organize outdoor presentation, five workshops with theoretical and practical parts, three trainings on making solar ovens, and production and free distribution of 20 solar ovens to the RE population.


The project “Resource Center for Civil Society Organizations – Phase II in Montenegro” is financed by the European Union through the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro and implemented by the Center for the Development of Non-Governmental Organizations. 

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