EU podrska projekti

ProjectLet's Support the Right of People with Intellectual Disabilities to Live in the Community
Project Starts15.12.2023
Projects Ends15.09.2024
organization_nameNGO National Association of Parents of Children and Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro - NARDOS

The Project improves social inclusion and the quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities by opening an innovative service, Supported living, that does not yet exist in Montenegro. The parents of this vulnerable group are getting old; moreover, in the event of their death, persons with intellectual disabilities are compelled to move to an institution for the rest of their lives outside their familiar environment, losing the right to live in their community. The service provides appropriate accommodation, professional assistance, and support for developing skills as well as employment support with the aim of inclusion in the community. The Supported living service will be submitted to the Institute for Social and Child Protection for accreditation. The key activities of the Project include 1) A study visit to the Association for Inclusion "Lastavica" and the "Center for Education Juraj Bonači" in Split, which already provides this service. 2) Organization of forums in Podgorica, Tuzi, Pljevlja, and Bijelo Polje on Supported living. 3) Create a training program to provide this service and submit it for accreditation to the Institute for Social and Child Protection. 4) Conducting a two-day training for social and child protection employees to provide this service. 5) Meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the local governments of Pljevlja, Bijelo Polje, Podgorica, and Tuzi to lobby for this service's opening. 6) Conference on "The right to independent living in the community - Supported living for persons with intellectual disabilities."

statusIn Progress

The project “Resource Center for Civil Society Organizations – Phase II in Montenegro” is financed by the European Union through the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro and implemented by the Center for the Development of Non-Governmental Organizations. 

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